Defending Juvenile Crimes

Juveniles are by their very nature inexperienced, but often assume they know more than they do. They often also assume they cannot or will not be held accountable for their actions, whether due to their experience of parenting styles or because they have never really experienced real trouble before. When this youthful assumption of invincibility is combined with drugs or alcohol and a vehicle, it can often result in a DUI charge.

In most states, including Colorado, a juvenile DUI is still a very serious charge. If your child has been charged with a DUI offense, your first step should be to contact one of our experienced DUI attorneys. Your attorney can then review the facts of the charges and begin the work of helping you and your child to build a defense that will result in, at minimum, a fair penalty for the offense.

Fair Penalty

In all cases brought before it, the court will seek to determine a “fair penalty” for the crime. One of the major concerns with DUI cases, even those involving juveniles, is that they are crimes of purposeful action: You must choose to first indulge in drugs or alcohol and then operate a vehicle. This means the fair penalty is often very harsh.

However, a good DUI attorney can examine the circumstances of the case in order to find reasons why the “fair penalty” should be less harsh, and can assist the juvenile with their attitude, statements, and behavior during the proceeding in order to make a good impression on the court and to exhibit sincere regret and remorse for their actions, as well as a clear understanding of the consequences of those actions. These strategies can often result in a fair penalty that is less strict than initially expected.

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