Hiring a Divorce Attorney in Greeley CO When You Can’t Find Your Spouse

There are some divorce actions where one spouse is missing, either because the couple had separated long ago and moved on or because that spouse is purposefully hiding. Colorado does not force people to remain married when they don’t want to be, meaning that the spouse who wants a divorce does have options when their spouse goes missing. Through hiring a divorce attorney in Greeley Colorado, you can begin the search and do the proper notification necessary to divorce when there is a missing spouse. A divorce attorney in Greeley Colorado will be able to follow all of the necessary steps to make sure that you can get divorced, even when you spouse is missing.

The first step when it comes to trying to divorce a missing spouse is to do a thorough search. This can include doing an internet search, checking with friends and relatives, checking with the spouse’s last known employer and checking property or other tax records. Once this search has been done, an affidavit must be filed by your divorce attorney with the court. This affidavit will clearly state all of the ways you tried searching for your spouse and how they were still not found.

After this affidavit has been filed with the court, you will then get an order to serve your missing spouse by publication. This would involve publishing a legal notice in the newspaper in the county where your spouse is believed to live. This publication must be once a week for four weeks. After the last date of publication, the missing spouse has 90 days to get in touch. If 90 days pass and nothing is heard from the missing spouse, the court will grant the divorce.