Using Family Law Mediation in Greeley CO as Your Custody Needs Evolve

As your children grow up, their custody needs will probably need to grow with them. Rather than going to court every couple of years to settle custody issues, family law mediation in Greeley Colorado can offer a much better alternative. With family law mediation in Greeley Colorado, you and your child’s other parent can avoid the legal fees and negativity that goes along with going to court every couple of years. This means you have a much better chance of coming up with a new custody arrangement that works for everyone.

When children grow up, things like sports, dance lessons, holidays and school all make earlier child custody orders obsolete. A child may not have the time to be shuttled back and forth between parents for visitation, meaning that a new child custody arrangement must be decided on. With family law mediation, both parents can sit down and come up with an arrangement that really works best for the child and both parents. This can mean adjusting who takes their child to lessons or games, which day of the week there is visitation or who gets a child during which school breaks.

When parents make custody decisions together using family law mediation, they can be sure that the needs of their family are met by assuring that every voice is heard. Instead of having a judge make the decision for the family in a way that may not be feasible for everyone involved, the parents can both make custody decisions together. Not only will this keep there from being a contentious court battle, but, in the end, legal fees will be saved as well since there will be less litigation involved.