Criminal Defense in Greeley, CO and the Modern Video Age

If you’ve been watching the news at all recently, you’re aware that a whole new modern wrinkle has been added to the world of criminal activity and the sort of criminal defense that Greeley, CO sees: The video footage from smartphones, surveillance cameras, and even police cruisers. The occasional security camera footage has been part of criminal investigations for decades, of course, but up until recently footage of crimes, especially crimes on the street, have been relatively rare. More importantly, video footage that captured criminal activity usually went directly to law enforcement, and was only viewed by those involved in... Read More

DUI in Greeley, CO and the World

As beautiful as Colorado is, its citizens do occasionally leave it for adventures around the world. When they do so, even the most law-abiding and conscientious people occasionally make errors in judgment and drive after having one too many – often the seductive quality of vacation time can harm our judgment. In the past, a DUI arrest or citation in another state might have stayed there, but today most states have reciprocal agreements that will ensure your home state finds out about your DUI in, say, New Jersey and will treat it as if it was a DUI that Greeley,... Read More