Surprising Advantages of Family Law Mediation in Colorado

Families that want to keep their family issues out of the courtroom often turn to family law mediation in Greeley Colorado.  The process of family law mediation in Greeley Colorado often helps parties come up with solutions that work for their specific family rather than relying on the standard and generic court order.  Some surprising benefits that parties may receive from this process include:

Ability to Settle Disputes Faster

When parties have time for bad feelings to fester and to become rooted in their positions, they often lose objectivity and reasonableness in the process.  Since mediation does not rely on an open court date, issues can be resolved much faster than when dealing with litigation, often before a lawsuit is even filed.  This allows parties to clear up misunderstandings and prevent the issues from escalating since they do not have to wait months for a court date.

Stronger Agreements

Because mediation relies on the full participation of both parties, each party is an integral part of coming up with the final agreement.  The mediator is not a judge and does not have the power to impose any particular outcome on the family.  Instead, he or she provides objective information and suggestions in order to guide the parties to negotiate, wherever that may lead.  Often, the parties are able to come up with strong agreements that are based on creative provisions.

Better Relationships

In many cases, litigation causes to become enemies if they are not already.  The process of using as much negative information about a person as possible is not only present in political campaigns.  It is also present in many public court cases.  Mediation is a private process that depends largely on the parties’ ability to put aside negative feelings to concentrate on coming up with solutions to a legal issue that is troubling them.  This process often results in maintaining or strengthening family bonds rather than tearing them apart.