Why You Have to Hire a Divorce Attorney in Greeley, CO; Even If the Divorce Is Uncontested

Many couples may think that they don't need an attorney to handle their divorce and that they can do it themselves. This is mainly due to the many websites out there that claim they can give you quick results without a lawyer's assistance. However, divorce can be complex, and there are rights that both parties have under the law that a DIY service may not assist with. When a couple hires an attorney to assist with their divorce, even one that is uncontested, there will not be as many potential legal problems in the future. Through hiring a divorce attorney... Read More

You Have a Lot to Lose If You Do Not Call a DUI Attorney in Greeley, CO Right Away After a DUI Arrest

If you have been arrested for DUI or DWAI in Colorado, you could be facing fines, jail time or possibly even an interlock device. A DUI charge is nothing to take lightly, and you should make sure you hire a DUI attorney in Greeley, CO as soon as possible after your DUI arrest. A DUI charge means that you had a blood alcohol content of over .08 while you were driving. For DWAI, your BAC would have to be between .05 and .08. The penalties for DUI and DWAI change depending on how many prior instances of drinking and driving... Read More

What You Stand to Lose If You Are Found Guilty of a Felony and Why You Should Hire a Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney

The consequences of a felony conviction go beyond incarceration and fines. With a felony record, there can be lifetime issues when it comes to many things, from employment to public assistance. If you are facing a conviction for a felony charge, it is essential that you have an exceptional Colorado criminal defense attorney on your side so that you can protect your rights and your future. Usually, the most serious crimes are considered felonies and the penalties can range from sentences of over a year all the way up to the death penalty. The type of sentence that you may... Read More

Support Enforcement and a Divorce Attorney in Greeley, CO

In Colorado, the basic principle when it comes to the support of children in a marriage is simple: Both parents are expected to pay for their child’s welfare and care according to the income they provide and the time they spend with the child. If one parent spends less than 50% of the time with the children, or earns significantly more than the other parent, they will be expected to pay support in order to equalize the burden. One mistake many people make when separating is failing to get a court order determining the support order. In an effort to... Read More

Personal Bank Accounts and Division of Assets Greeley, CO

Most people, when they admit to the end of their marriage and begin working to split, approach the work with a heavy heart and a sincere desire to simply have a fair and equitable ending. While some couples certainly do approach divorce as a final battle in a war long ago lost, many couples simply try their best to disengage gracefully, provide for their children, and have some kind of relationship post-divorce. However, many people make simple incorrect assumptions that can negatively impact their attitude and their role in the divorce process. For example, many people believe that if they... Read More